massimo projects can be configured through a config.rb file located in the root of your project or by using command line options. The config file will automatically detected when you run massimo commands.


In the config.rb file, you have access to all of the site's methods. For example:

config.javascripts_url = '/js'
config.stylesheets_url = '/css'
config.output_path     = '_site'

if config.environment.production?
  config.js_compressor         = :uglifier
  config.js_compressor_options = { :mangle => false }
  config.css_compressor        = :cssmin

resource :user do

helpers do
  def users

This config file does a few things:

Note the if config.environment.production? block. This changes the configuration based on the environment setup in the command line.


source_path The path to the source files of the project. This can be changed on the command line using the --source-path=PATH option. Defaults to '.'.
output_path The path to output the site to. This can be changed on the command line using the --output-path=PATH option. Defaults to 'public'.
environment A string representing the Site's environment. This can be changed on the command line using the --environment option or the --production flag. Defaults to 'development'.
base_url The base url of this site. You would change this if the site existed in a subdirectory. Defaults to '/'.
[resource]_path The path to where the given resources files are located. Defaults to the name of the resource. For example, pages_path defaults to 'pages', and javascripts_path defaults to 'javascripts'.
[resource]_url The base url for the given resources. Defaults to '/javascripts' for javascripts and '/stylesheets' for stylesheets. Defaults to '/' for everything else.
compress When set to true, massimo will try to compress javascripts and stylesheets using whichever compression libraries are available.
compress_js When set to true, massimo will try to compress javascripts using whichever JS compression library is available.
js_compressor Which javasript compressor to use. Available options are :jsmin (JSMin), :packr (Packr), :yui (YUI::JavaScriptCompressor), :closure (Closure::Compiler), and :uglifier (Uglifier). By default there is no compression.
js_compressor_options Sets options for the javascript compression library to use.
compress_css When set to true, massimo will try to compress stylesheets using whichever CSS compression library is available.
css_compressor Which css compressor to use. Available options are :cssmin (CSSMin), :rainpress (Rainpress), :yui (YUI::CSSCompressor), and :sass (Sass::Engine). By default there is no compression.
css_compressor_options Sets options for the css compression library to use.
[template_extension] Sets options for the Tilt::Template registered for that extension to use. For example, if you want to use some default options for Markdown templates: = { :smartypants => :smart }
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